The answer to multiple choice chose single answer is a paraphrase of a sentence in the text. For example in this question, The estimated points in time at which a world population reached a given figu...
When you do multiple-choice questions, the best strategy is elimination. Decide for every option , is it TRUE or FALSE or NOT GIVEN in the text. The TRUE ones are your correct answers, whereas the F...
1. Write between 50-70 words 2. If you write fewer than 40 or more than 100 words, you will get zero marks. 3. Note key points and main ideas 4. Note down words or phrases which are repeated. 5. Avoid...
Task Introduction: In this question, the last word or group of word is replaced by a beep at the end of the recording. There are several possible response options but only one is correct. To select an...
Credits: Anup Choudhary To choose between taking the IELTS or PTE, is a conundrum for many who wish to settle or study abroad. IELTS vs TOEFL – two of the mos...
Tip 1. Eliminate the summary which contains information not in the recording. Tip 2. Eliminate the summary which contains opposite information from the recording. Tip 3 . Eliminate the summary which t...
Some people argue that technology makes our lives more useful and interesting than the past. Do you agree? Sample Answer here Effective learning requires time, comfort and peace so it is impossibl...
1. Start with a general introduction ,then move to the main point of the essay. 2. Second para, Make a point, illustrate and give examples from real life ( Make sure your topic sentence is clear and o...
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