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Read aloud

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  • Reading
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    • Read aloud
    • Repeat sentence
    • Describe image
    • Re-tell lecture
    • Answer short question
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    • Summarize written text
    • Essay(20 min)
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    • Summarize spoken text
    • Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers
    • Fill the blanks
    • Highlight the correct summary
    • Multiple choice question Single Answer
    • Select missing word
    • Highlight incorrect words
    • Write from dictation
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    • Multiple-choice, choose single answer
    • Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
    • Re-order paragraphs
    • Reading: Fill in the blanks
    • Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks

April 14, 2020/

In Read Aloud you are scored on 1. Pronunciation 2. Oral Fluency 3. Word stress 4. Intonation Native speakers pause slightly between sense groups For example: In most countries // Education is not only a right // but an obligation// Parents of children// who are found outside of school// can…

April 14, 2020/

*For High Achievers in PTE , Remember the following* Try to Read fast…..Listen to the sample Answers in PTE Practice Test Plus…High scorers read it fast and at a natural rate. If you do a mistake , don’t go back and correct yourself, just keep going. If you repeat something…

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    • Read aloud
    • Repeat sentence
    • Describe image
    • Re-tell lecture
    • Answer short question
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    • Summarize written text
    • Essay(20 min)
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    • Summarize spoken text
    • Multiple Choice, Choose Multiple Answers
    • Fill the blanks
    • Highlight the correct summary
    • Multiple choice question Single Answer
    • Select missing word
    • Highlight incorrect words
    • Write from dictation
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    • Multiple-choice, choose single answer
    • Multiple-choice, choose multiple answers
    • Re-order paragraphs
    • Reading: Fill in the blanks
    • Reading and writing: Fill in the blanks

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